The gallery is closed until January 25 for the installation of our next shows.
Ways to engage while we are closed:​
1. Stay connected to us on social media to see behind-the-scenes installation photos and learn about upcoming events.
2. Familiarize yourself with the next exhibiting artists, Orlando Caraballo and Jennifer Whitten, before the opening reception on January 27.
3. Get to know AST better by signing up for one of our upcoming events.
4. Donate! Every dollar (seriously, EVERY dollar!) makes a huge difference for our organization and the artists we support.
The gallery is closed until June 21 for the installation of our Members' Show
The Opening Reception will be held on June 23 from 5:00-7:30 pm
Ways to engage while we are closed:​
1. Stay connected to us on Facebook or Instagram to see behind-the-scenes installation photos and learn about upcoming events.
2. Familiarize yourself with a few of the many artist members who will be presenting work in the members' show:
3. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter.
4. Donate! Every dollar (seriously, EVERY dollar!) makes a huge difference for our organization and the artists we support.
5. Buy a unique handmade item from our online gift shop.